It's (still) been pretty quiet on the allotment front recently although managed to get last Friday off work and did a bit of digging and weeding on a fairly nice day - other than the grass needing a cut it's looking fairly tidy, although still quite empty. However we've been busy at home preparing stuff to plant out in the next few months - we have a wooden DIY coldframe that we're using to sow seeds and start off plants in. Currently in there we have some onions, summer cabbage, cauliflower, leeks, sprouts (bleurgh) and the four sweet pea seedlings mentioned in the last post.
Also I sowed some tomatoes and aubergines a while ago in the heated propagator that we have in the house, they've done well and have just transferred them to bigger pots - eventually the tomatoes can go outside in pots (they're a small cherry tomato variety suited for containers) although the aubergines will need a greenhouse or conservatory to live in, but already have a few homes in mind for them.
Next month things should be getting busier - have prepared a few beds for the potatoes which will go in soon. Also going to plant loads of peas soon hopefully (they did well last year, and bonus is that I really like eating them too) which also means constructing some sort of structure for them to grow up and support them which is always fun (have designs on an epic pea-sail made from bamboo sticks and garden netting..)