Plot 37 sign

Plot 37 sign
Here's where it all started

Wednesday 4 January 2012

First post..

So here is our first post - unfortunately it's very early January and the weather is pretty bad (lots of wind and rain) so we've not been up to much at the plot. Currently it's looking pretty bleak (and quite muddy!). Most of the beds are empty (except for the weeds of course) although we still have some leeks growing (still a bit small though, think we were a bit late planting them out) and also some garlic has started sprouting which was planted out not so long ago. We've also recently planted some raspberry canes and some strawberry plants on a large area near the back of the plot that's been dug over and sat empty for a while - hopefully we might have some strawberries this year but the raspberry canes probably won't fruit till next year.

Things aren't very exciting at this time of year but hopefully in a few months when Spring arrives we'll be a lot busier - It has been hard work since starting last April (especially digging out the beds!) but well worth it, and have a good layout ready to start growing stuff this year. Really looking forward to it!

(We don't have any recent photos of the plot - if we did they'd look a bit boring what with it being winter and the plot looking a bit empty. However here is a photo taken a few months after we started last year showing most of the plot, lot more sunny back then!)


  1. Very cool! We'll have to compare notes on what's doing well (and experimenting with). I can't wait to see if some of the things that I had no luck with at The Braaid might do okay in Jurby. Fingers crossed.

    I was sure you had some fennel survive under the cloches when I was down last weekend.

    Tony asked if you could have some of the rhubarb, and I'm gunna be moving some stuff this weekend & will plant half in one your empty spots (you can move it when you're next down there if you like).

  2. Hi Fiona,

    Thanks for the nice comment, will definately have to see how things go this year and what works well and what doesn't - your new plot looks a lot more sheltered than the Braaid ones. The fennel under the cloches are the survivors of the goose attack I wrote about on your page, figured sticking cloches on them would make them goose-proof - am surprised they still seem to be doing okay!

    Thanks very much for the rhubarb, really appreciate it! You could just stick it next to the fennel or something for now and once back I'll find a more permanent home for it. Will find a way to repay you for it - hopefully if the comfrey cuttings work out I'll get some for your plot if you like.


  3. Hiya,

    I didn't see this in time, I've been down and grabbed some stuff, but there's half a rhubarb in the first tyre, and half a boysenberry (this is the holy grail of berries) in the second to last one. Also, in one of the beds are alot of rainbow spinach (red, yellow, white, green), which I think should transplant okay if you want it. It's a pick a leaf as you want it jobbie.

    I've told Lynn I'll be down next weekend to collect the pots, so I guess you've got till then to grab stuff, not sure if she's got someone lined up for it or not. I guess you'd be able to tell if someone was there or not.

    Comfrey would be cool, if you have some spare ;-)

  4. Hiya,

    That's great, thank you, much appreciated!

    Hopefully the comfrey cuttings I have at the moment will take and start to grow once spring arrives, will get you some once I know they're actually still alive and going to grow into something :)

  5. Hello, lovely to meet you.
    I'm a newbie to this game. You're plot looks like you have plenty of space! Can't wait to see more...I just take photos of mine whether I think it looks good or not :o) lots of muddy soil right now, it can only get better.
    Claire. x
